All owners wish to ensure that the key features of their lot at Mataka Station is preserved to their property for all time and may be transferred to subsequent purchasers. All owners have access to all beaches and private riding, biking and hiking trails.
Common Facilities
The Land Covenants and the associated rules govern features such as common access, maintenance of roads, the beach lodge, boatsheds and other common facilities. Design Guidelines ensure a high standard of development, and provisions for the use of properties to preserve the rural retreat character of Mataka Station. The Land Covenants provide that: each owner will grant access to the other owners over the Common Areas to enable all owners to use and enjoy Mataka Station.

The Boat Sheds at Whale Bay provide 6 privately owned boatsheds for owners and 2 communally onward boatsheds with access to an all tide launching ramp on the beach below. Further boatsheds and a jetty are in the process of investigation design.

Beach Lodge
The Beach Lodge at Mataka Beach provides a day lodge for all owners with full services and facilities, providing not only beach access but a communal gathering point for owners when in residence. Further facilities for owners are under review currently.